- Another 20%-30% performance improvement, which makes Spark View faster than any native RDP clients.
- Better quality, faster processing on sound.
- Better RemoteApp support.
- Session Prelaunch/cache allow user see desktop/RemoteApp right away (check example7.html).
- User session idle timeout support, set idleUserSession in gateway.conf.
- Can open RemtoeApp in multipel tabs on iOS (slower than opening in same window).
- Auto scale on joined sessions.
- Better IME processing.
- Can delete file directly in the File uploading/downloading dialog.
- Can enable/disable DNS lookups in gateway.conf.
- Improved page loading speed.
- Fixed "Can not keep uploading same file" issue.
- Fixed text drawing issue when scrolling screen on some applications.
- Fixed text drawing issue when loging in to an existed session.
- Fixed sticky key alert issue when using unicode keyboard.
- Fixed relogin issue when resizing the browser Window.
- Fixed "can not disable clipboard redirection issue"".
- Fixed extra "A" issue when pasting data.
- Fixed data size issue on client side VirtualChannel extension.
- Fixed -=+ key issue on Firefox
- Fixed Chinese input issue on duplicated characters.
- UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, all files in html directory.
- Warning: DNS lookups is disabled by default.