SparkView 3.1版 Release

  1. Another 20%-30% performance improvement, which makes Spark View faster than any native RDP clients.
  2. Better quality, faster processing on sound.
  3. Better RemoteApp support.
  4. Session Prelaunch/cache allow user see desktop/RemoteApp right away (check example7.html).
  5. User session idle timeout support, set idleUserSession in gateway.conf.
  6. Can open RemtoeApp in multipel tabs on iOS (slower than opening in same window).
  7. Auto scale on joined sessions.
  8. Better IME processing.
  9. Can delete file directly in the File uploading/downloading dialog.
  10. Can enable/disable DNS lookups in gateway.conf.
  11. Improved page loading speed.
  12. Fixed "Can not keep uploading same file" issue.
  13. Fixed text drawing issue when scrolling screen on some applications.
  14. Fixed text drawing issue when loging in to an existed session.
  15. Fixed sticky key alert issue when using unicode keyboard.
  16. Fixed relogin issue when resizing the browser Window.
  17. Fixed "can not disable clipboard redirection issue"".
  18. Fixed extra "A" issue when pasting data.
  19. Fixed data size issue on client side VirtualChannel extension.
  20. Fixed -=+ key issue on Firefox
  21. Fixed Chinese input issue on duplicated characters.
  22. UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, all files in html directory.
  23. Warning: DNS lookups is disabled by default.